Sunday, April 17, 2011

Symptoms, Causes and Natural Remedies for Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a general term that means inflammation of the liver. Inflammation of the liver can result from infection, from exposure to alcohol, certain medications, chemicals, or poisons, or from a disorder of the immune system. Hepatitis A refers to liver inflammation caused by infection with the hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV is one of several viruses that can cause hepatitis and is one of the 3 most common hepatitis viruses in the United States. The other 2 are hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

Unlike hepatitis B and hepatitis C, hepatitis A does not cause chronic (ongoing, long-term) disease. Although the liver does become inflamed and swollen, it heals completely in most people without any long-term damage. Once you have had hepatitis A, you develop lifelong immunity and cannot get the disease again. Because of the way it is spread, the hepatitis A virus tends to occur in epidemics and outbreaks. As many as 1 in 3 people in the United States have antibody to HAV, meaning they have been exposed to the virus, but most do not become ill. The number of cases of hepatitis A in the United States varies among different communities and has not been affected significantly by the introduction of the hepatitis A vaccine since the early 1990s.

Hepatitis A Symptoms
Many people with HAV infection have no symptoms at all. Sometimes symptoms are so mild that they go unnoticed. Older people are more likely to have symptoms than children. People who do not have symptoms can still spread the virus.

Symptoms of hepatitis A usually develop between 2 and 6 weeks after infection. The symptoms are usually not too severe and go away on their own, over time. The most common symptoms are as follows:

Diarrhea, especially in children
Low-grade fever
Loss of appetite
Tiredness, fatigue
Jaundice - A yellow discoloration of the skin and the whites of the eyes
Urine is dark brownish in color, like cola or strong tea.
Pain in area of liver - On the right side of the abdomen, just under the rib cage

Causes of Hepatitis A:
There are many causes of inflammation of the liver including medication side effects, excessive alcohol, some toxic chemicals, disorders of the gall bladder or pancreas, and infections. There are many infective agents that can cause inflammation of the liver, or hepatitis, however the term is unfortunately commonly used to refer to a particular group of viruses identified not very imaginatively by letters of the alphabet.

A person can develop hepatitis if they contract one of the viruses that can cause liver inflammation, or as a result of exposure to substances that can cause hepatitis - alcohol, fungal toxins and certain medicines. There are two ways in which medicines can lead to hepatitis: it can either occur as a result of medicine poisoning through overdoses of a medicine (eg paracetamol), or it can occur as a result of an abnormal reaction of the liver to a normal dose (eg halothane, the anaesthetic). Fortunately, the latter type of hepatitis is rare.

Find powerful herbal remedies Herbal Remedies for Hepatitis

Autoimmune chronic hepatitis accounts for about 20% of all chronic hepatitis cases. Like other autoimmune disorders, this condition develops because a genetically defective immune system attacks the body's own cells and organs, in this case, the liver, after being triggered by an environmental agent, probably a virus. Suspects include the measles virus, a hepatitis virus, or the Epstein-Barr virus, which causes mononucleosis. It is also possible that a reaction to a drug or other toxin that affects the liver also triggers an autoimmune response in susceptible individuals. In about 30% of cases, autoimmune hepatitis is associated with other disorders that involve autoimmune attacks on other parts of the body.

Natural Remedies for Hepatitis
One such herbal remedy, Milk thistle, is considered a leading remedy in the fight against liver diseases, such as hepatitis. Shown to not only slow the progression of liver disease, Milk thistle, also known as St. Mary's Thistle, may be a key herbal remedy used in cell regeneration, leading to a strengthening of the liver.

In addition to Milk thistle, many hepatitis patients also use Licorice root in the fight against liver disease. When processed into glycyrrhetinic acid, Licorice root has a powerful anti-viral and anti-inflammatory effect which works to slow the deterioration of the liver and alleviate symptoms commonly associated with hepatitis.

One area of concern, however, with the use of Licorice root may involve the increased risk for high blood pressure, due to sodium and water fluctuations, with persistent use. This spike in high blood pressure may occur when Licorice root, or glycyrrhetinic acid, is used longer than six weeks. For this reason, it is important to discuss your use of herbal remedy products with your health care professional.

Also read about Yoga DVD for Hepatitis
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