Monday, March 21, 2011

Causes and Home Remedies for Stomach Gas Problem

Stomach gas or flatulence is a very common digestive system problem faced by many people today, and is very embarrassing too. It can come from the abdomen after eating, and is a result of certain habits and diet choices. The reason for the stomach gas problem can be acid stomach, swallowing too much of air while eating, spicy foods, stress that produces an acidic reaction, and so on.

When the carbohydrates that are present in the food we eat are not broken down properly, it causes gas in the gastrointestinal tract. Some people also suffer from stomach gas as they are lactose intolerant, and their diet lacks fiber. Stomach gas causes a bloating sensation, which is most noticeable after you eat or drink something. Some of the other symptoms are frequent burping, an uncomfortable feeling in the abdomen along with pain, and a foul odor when gas passes through the rectal canal.

Common Causes of Stomach Gas

Too little Stomach Acid: This will come as a shock but when your body has too little stomach acid that's when the problems start. Your stomach will reflex to either shoot the food out in order to prevent bacteria on the food from passing through your digestive system or it will churn and try to break it down without the acid. In either case it causes an upset stomach quite often, one easy solution to it is to avoid liquids entirely with meals as this only dilutes stomach acid further.

Lack of bowel movements: When you go less than 2 times per day you're considered constipated believe it or not! What happens is the food sits in your intestines and begins to ferment and putrefy, this creates an excessive amount of gas which travels up the digestive tract back into the stomach or will apply pressure to the stomach and create tremendous bloating.

Candida Overgrowth: You may never have heard of this before but this yeast is likely inside your body causing havoc right now as it exists in over 90% of people. Although not always creating symptoms for everyone, this yeast can cause ongoing health problems if not addressed. One of the #1 symptoms it causes is excessive gas, the reason being that this fungus will grow inside your intestines and ferment, especially when there has been a lack of bowel movements even temporarily. It feeds on sugar as well so if you eat a diet of processed foods then you're giving it exactly what it needs to grow further! The gas it creates is only one of many problems candida can cause such as anxiety, difficulty concentrating, allergies, IBS & other digestive problems and much more!

Home Remedies for Stomach Gas

Gas can sometimes be uncomfortable and inconvenient too. It is possible to get rid of stomach gas with the help of some home remedies.
Changing your diet and the way you eat can be great for the prevention of gas. Chew your food more slowly and thoroughly and avoid eating too fast. If you do not chew your food properly and eat too fast, it will result in accumulation of gas, as you tend to swallow a lot of air when you eat fast.
By changing your diet, you can do a great deal toward reducing your pain from digestive problems. Many foods contain bacteria that are actually good for your intestine and will help it work more efficiently. You also need to watch the food you eat as some foods cause a lot of gas. Avoid foods that may cause indigestion. Foods such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and beans cause gas, so avoid, or minimize these in your diet. Avoid consuming foods such as dairy products, soda content drinks, beer, and other food products that cause stomach gas.
The most significant home remedy for gas is garlic soup. Garlic helps to increase digestion and reduces formation of intestinal gas. Grind together little garlic with black pepper, coriander seeds, and little water. Then boil it and take in two divided doses.
Add yogurt in your daily diet. Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that aid digestion. Make a habit of eating yogurt, sour cream, and other fermented dairy products.
Ginger root is good medicine for many discomforts including intestinal gas. Ginger root contains digestive enzymes and stimulates saliva production. Eating ginger pieces with salt throughout the day will keep you away from gas problems.
Drinking coconut water is very effective for intestinal gas problems.

Find powerful herbal remedies Herbal Remedies for Gastric Problems

The parsley herb helps to aid digestion, expel gas, and freshen breath. Make parsley tea as a home remedy for stomach gas, or chew a few parsley leaves after a meal.
Celery seeds may help reduce intestinal gas and hence, alleviate a nervous stomach. Chewing some celery seeds would help in releasing the blocked gas for getting relief from stomach bloating.
Ginger and garlic combination is very effective for gas problems. Take 3 cloves of garlic and some pieces of ginger in the morning in an empty stomach.
Daily intake of tomato salad with your food is very helpful to get rid of gas. If you eat tomato with black salt then it will be more effective.
Peppermint is used to aid in digestion and soothe an upset stomach. It helps expel gas from the digestive system.
Boil powered cinnamon in a glass of water. Take this while it is warm at least half an hour before your meal. This will help prevent the intestinal gas formation.
Eating basil leaf paste with water is very helpful for gas and indigestion problems.
After your meals, chew up some pieces of ginger that is soaked in lemon juice to cure stomach gas.
If you experience gas pain then you can massage some fennel oil on your belly to relieve the gas pain.
Stress is one of the major causes of gas formation. So, try to relax and take your mind off tension.

It is possible to stimulate the passage of gas through the digestive tract by maintaining a regular exercise program in the form of walking, jogging, and aerobics. If the stomach gas problem is severe, perform chest-to-knee stretches to drive out painful gas. Yoga is also very helpful in relieving and controlling stomach gas problems.

Also read about Stomach Problems
Natural Home Remedies for Constipation or

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