Monday, March 14, 2011

Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies for Cataract or Weak Eyesight

Cataracts are changes in clarity of the natural lens inside the eye that gradually degrade visual quality. The natural lens sits behind the colored part of the eye (iris) in the area of the pupil, and cannot be directly seen with the naked eye unless it becomes extremely cloudy. The lens plays a crucial role in focusing unimpeded light on the retina at the back of the eye. The retina transforms light to a neurologic signal that the brain interprets as vision. Significant cataracts block and distort light passing through the lens, causing visual symptoms and complaints.

The term cataract is derived from the Greek word cataractos, which describes rapidly running water. When water is turbulent, it is transformed from a clear medium to white and cloudy. Keen Greek observers noticed similar-appearing changes in the eye and attributed visual loss from "cataracts" as an accumulation of this turbulent fluid, having no knowledge of the anatomy of the eye or the status or importance of the lens.

Cataract development is usually a very gradual process of normal aging but can occasionally occur rapidly. Many people are in fact unaware that they have cataracts because the changes in their vision have been so gradual. Cataracts commonly affect both eyes, but it is not uncommon for cataracts in one eye to advance more rapidly. Cataracts are very common, affecting roughly 60% of people over the age of 60, and over 1.5 million cataract surgeries are performed in the United States each year.

Experts have estimated that visual disability associated with cataracts accounts for over 8 million physician office visits a year in the United States. This number will likely continue to increase as the proportion of people over the age of 60 rises. When people develop cataracts, they begin to have difficulty doing activities they need to do for daily living or for enjoyment. Some of the most common complaints include difficulty driving at night, reading, participating in sports such as golfing, or traveling to unfamiliar areas; these are all activities for which clear vision is essential.

Cataract Causes:

The lens is made mostly of water and protein. Specific proteins within the lens are responsible for maintaining its clarity. Over many years, the structures of these lens proteins are altered, ultimately leading to a gradual clouding of the lens. Rarely, cataracts can present at birth or in early childhood as a result of hereditary enzyme defects, and severe trauma to the eye, eye surgery, or intraocular inflammation can also cause cataracts to occur earlier in life. Other factors that may lead to development of cataracts at an earlier age include excessive ultraviolet-light exposure, diabetes, smoking, or the use of certain medications, such as oral, topical, or inhaled steroids. Other medications that are more weakly associated with cataracts include the long-term use of statins and phenothiazines.

Cataract Symptoms:

Having cataracts is often compared to looking through a foggy windshield of a car or through the dirty lens of a camera. Cataracts may cause a variety of complaints and visual changes, including blurred vision, difficulty with glare (often with bright sun or automobile headlights while driving at night), dulled color vision, increased nearsightedness accompanied by frequent changes in eyeglass prescription, and occasionally double vision in one eye. Some people notice a phenomenon called "second sight" in which one's reading vision improves as a result of their increased nearsightedness from swelling of the cataract. A change in glasses may help initially once vision begins to change from cataracts; however, as cataracts continue to progress and opacify, vision becomes cloudy and stronger glasses or contact lenses will no longer improve sight.

Cataracts are usually gradual and usually not painful or associated with any eye redness or other symptoms unless they become extremely advanced. Rapid and/or painful changes in vision are suspicious for other eye diseases and should be evaluated by an eye-care professional.

Home remedies for Cataract:

Put few drops of honey in your affected eye, as it is very beneficial remedy for cataract.
Apply the juice of pumpkin flowers on the eyelids and keep for 15 minutes and then wash it off. Do this two times a day.
Eating carrots has many benefits for good eyesight. Eat one or two carrots daily. Drink lot of carrot juice whenever you can.
Oranges and grapes are also very beneficial in cataract. Drinking juices of these fruits is one of the very effective home remedies for cataract .
Garlic is also effective in the treatment of cataract. It also helps to keep the lens of the eyes clean. Garlic is easily available in almost every kitchen. Just increase the intake of garlic and have good eyesight.
Diet: Eat lots of green vegetables and fruits, as they are very beneficial for eyes. Avoid too much tea, coffee, bread, pickles and potatoes. Oily food, junk food and processed food all are bad for overall health, so avoid them in your diet.

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Avoid alcohol and stay away from smoking.
Raisins, dates and figs are also good for the treatment of cataract.
Eat plenty of salads and vegetable soups almost for one meal of the day.
Take aniseeds two times in the daytime. Early morning after getting up and once again in the evening you can take aniseeds.
The one more very effective of the home remedies for cataract is to make a magic powder at home with almonds , pepper and sugar candy. This mixture should be then taken twice in a day for getting the cure from cataract.
Spinach is also very useful vegetable and it prevents cataract from occurring. Include this vegetable in your menu more than often.
Make a cocktail from carrot juice and parsley juice and drink it. This is very effective for cataract.
Put cardamom powder in one glass of warm milk and drink it before going to bed. This drink is very healthy for good eyesight.

Also read about Yoga DVD for Eye Problems
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